300BPS.ZIP 2,547 08-09-93 What can you do with a 300bps Modem?? Hereis list of uses for one.
911HELP.ZIP 72,003 06-26-93 911 dispatch system intended for smallishPolice agencies. Works well and fun to playwith. Gives you an idea of how hard it is tobe a dispatcher at a PD and keep your head.
ALAIRQ10.ZIP 30,824 12-27-93 Alad_IRQ v1.0: Let your GEnie Aladdinsoftware use any IRQ. Alad_IRQ provides ashell for the Aladdin software that allowsAladdin to use non-standard IRQs, includingIRQs 2-7, 9-12, 14 & 15.
ASCTDD12.ZIP 31,833 03-23-93 File and info to convert modem to TDD device
ATOSUB23.ZIP 32,790 10-10-93 SUBJECTS 2.3; Lists the contents of AUTOSIGincoming or saved message files, and showsections, subjects, senders, and userids intabular format. The purpose of this is toget a quick birds-eye view (ie an index) ofa
ATPLUS10.ZIP 59,641 09-18-93 ATPlus v1.0; Send "AT" commands to yourmodem from the DOS command line. Acceptscommand line switches, or reads from itsconfiguration file. Works with or w/out aFOSSIL driver and supports COM1 - COM4including non-s
AUTHOR22.ZIP 22,796 10-29-93 List of MsDos shareware and PD authors withemail addresses reachable on/from InterNet.
BBS120.ZIP 147,188 11-11-93 BBS v1.20; Easy to use communications prografor calling BBSs and uploading & downloadingfiles. Protocols included are ASCII, KermitXmodem, Ymodem, Zmodem, Xmodem/1K, Xmodem/G,Ymodem/G. It can capture screens to fil
BBSCAN20.ZIP 17,265 09-30-93 BBSCAN v2.0; Excellent offline filelistsearch utility for searching through BBS orCDROM filelists for a keyword or searchstring. The results of the search can besaved to a file for later use. BBSCANfeatures on-scree
BBSGUIDE.ZIP 23,851 07-26-93 A new user guide to BBS'ing. TriBBS systemoriented but applicable to all BBS. Generalhelp and hints ref: messages, doors, logonsetc. etc.
BBSMAX01.ZIP 11,952 10-17-93 BBS's To The Max; If you want to know whereto find the BBS that carries you favoriteGames, Utilities, Windows Programs, or evenOn-Line games ect. Look No Further! This isthe first in a new Monthly BBS listing. Herey
BDG100.ZIP 140,760 08-20-93 Big Dummy's Guide to the Internet. Guide tothe Internet for folks who have little or noexperience with network communications.
BGI12.ZIP 91,317 10-17-93 "The Beginner's Guide to the Internet" is afull-color, computer-based tutorial aboutthe Internet. It is complete, covering emailftp, telnet, gopher, Archie, Veronica, WAIS,WWW, USENET newsgroups, BITNET listservs,IR
BIMPRO31.ZIP 114,943 08-21-93 BImodem PRO (PAMPA) v3.1: A new full│BImodem.com-compatible protocol. Supports4DOS comments. Add files to send/receivequeue while in-session. Capture chat to fileRemote's chat window scrollback. Nice screedesign. X
BOYAN51A.ZIP 192,726 11-15-93 ▒▓ - BOYAN Communications 5.1v - ▓▒Macro language, script learn, multiphone files, host mode, scroll-back,keyboard macros, point & shoot file-manager w/batch transfer support,mouse support supports 10 externalpro
BOYAN51B.ZIP 141,651 11-15-93 ▒▓ - BOYAN Communications 5.1v - ▓▒Macro language, script learn, multiphone files, host mode, scroll-back,keyboard macros, point & shoot file-manager w/batch transfer support,mouse support supports 10 externalpro
CA29_1.ZIP 198,522 11-17-93 COM-AND r10 [1/4]; Comm program containingexecutable, doc, scripts, and advanced scrippgmming files. COM-AND includes: dialingdirectory, macros, transcripting, filetransfers, ASCII editor, file en/decrypt,scripts,
CA29_2.ZIP 189,289 11-17-93 COM-AND r10 [2/4]; This ZIP containsdocumentation.
CA29_3.ZIP 261,945 11-17-93 COM-AND r10 [3/4]; This ZIP contains scriptfiles and documents.
CA29_4.ZIP 93,366 11-17-93 COM-AND r10 [4/4]; This ZIP containsadvanced script programming utilities.
CATBX16A.ZIP 142,408 08-05-93 The Catalog ToolBox (CATBOX) v1.6A: tool formanaging long listings of Compuserve's filelibrary contents. sort by filename/extensionupload date, uploader ID, LIB #, filetype/size or dl count. view/del/extract/ movent
CBIP_KIT.ZIP 28,071 03-06-93 UseNet CBIP Starter's Kit; This kit containswhat you will need to begin downloading filefrom comp.binaries.ibm.pc.
CD_PAS.ZIP 24,476 07-29-93 Carrier Detector v1.0 - Detect modemcarriers; Support COM port 1-4; GenerateERRORLEVEL codes; Can be used in batch filesPascal SOURCE CODE included; Batch fileexample included
CHEAPSET.ZIP 11,828 10-08-93 CHEAPSET v1.0; To allow those who haveaccess to such over-the-air time standardslike WWV, WWVH, CHU, etc...to accurately settheir computer clocks by sight/ear ratherthan costly dialup programs.
CHKAOL3.ZIP 23,470 03-12-94 Track Time Spent On America On-line Or Otheronline services.
CISBILL.ZIP 40,738 01-03-94 CISBILL v2.11; Off-Line CIS BillingOrganizer-Organize captured CompuServebilling records. Will accumulate billingrecords for viewing and/or printing. One cufile for each of up to 4 years. You mustcapture your own
CLCOM200.ZIP 529,347 07-27-93 ClickComm Communications v2.00; This is oneof the best communications packages going. Ihas many built in protocols and emulations.Also provides a script mode and other extras
COMM0914.ZIP 45,642 09-14-93 COMM0914 contains support files for COMMO551It contains popular San Diego BBSs, Autologoand Protocol macros.
COMMO552.ZIP 173,471 10-14-93 {COMMO} 5.52 (maint. release). Superb Highperformance communications program. Designedfor people who like to customize and automattheir online sessions. The macro language iunusually complete and flexible. This prog
COMPRT25.ZIP 30,028 09-27-93 COMPORT V2.5 -- Manipulate and Display COMand LPT Port Info
COMST11.ZIP 24,832 08-01-93 COMSET v11.0; 11 setup/test modems/uarts Ver11 supports Com1-4, IRQ2-7, speeds to57.6kbps. Returns errorlevels to batch filesdepending on modem's state. Unlike mode.com,Comset works with any Uart. Also swaps portslo
COMTAP21.ZIP 132,208 04-15-93 COMTAP v2.1; Software serial communicationsline monitor and debugger. Microsecondtimestamp resolution; Passive bi-directionaldual port monitoring and interactive singleport control; Display macro-recording; Fulllog
CONLOG10.ZIP 27,489 07-06-93 CONLOG v 1.0 - The Log Analyser; CONLOG is acommunication log file analysis utility fousers and Sysops alike. CONLOG featuressupport for: Qmodem Pro 1.xx Qmodem 4.5xTerminate 0.xx Robocomm 4.xx Telix 3.xx Logprin
CPADR101.ZIP 25,104 02-14-94 The Cyber Punk's Address Book v1.01; Keeptrack of those hard to remember network mailaddresses with this e-mail informationmanager. Includes autosave, delete/undeleteand printing functions. You'll never loosetrack
CS-MAC.ZIP 7,471 10-05-93 Seybolt'S {Commo} Macro; Offline Mail ReaderMacro For {Commo}X. Handles Most Popular MaiReaders. Has Many Advanced Features. Can BeEasily Modified.
CTSSPU12.ZIP 99,935 12-06-93 CTS SERIAL PORT UTILITIES v1.2: Fix commproblems. Detect multiple com ports at oneaddress, IRQ used, ports that can't generateIRQs, and conflicts between com ports, mice& modems. Supports non-standard com ports.Repo
CUPD112.ZIP 256,509 08-07-93 In order to use these files, you MUST have aworking copy of CMPQwk 1.1 or later ALREADYinstalled. You CANNOT uses these files witha version 1.0 install.
CU_200.ZIP 333,250 07-03-93 COMMUNIQUE v2.00; Powerful yet easy to useand learn terminal package that we all havebeen waiting for. With IEMSI, AVATAR, ANSI,File Manager, File Tagging, ZIP/LZH/ARJsupport, GIF support, infinite diallingdirec
DEPTY304.ZIP 327,721 06-01-93 Deputy v3.04; Advanced Communicationssoftware with MNP5 data compression. Powerfuscript language and ANSI, Prestel, MiniTel,VT52/100/200/320 & Wyse60 Emulations;Background file transfers including Zmodem,Xmodem, Ymo
DGU12.ZIP 11,757 07-09-93 Telix script. Filetaging from disc and BBS.Loggin support etc.
DIALM70.ZIP 215,941 09-29-93 DIALM v7.0; Telephone dialing program, youcan dial the phone, automatically re-dialbusy numbers, and keep a log of calls made.
DIALOG21.ZIP 215,018 05-30-93 DiaLog 2.11; Phone dialer, logger, stopwatchspec touch tone svc, 2 addr bks, printenvelopes, create help files. Calculator,alarm clock, editor, screen saver. Use1-800-Egg-Head, redial on busy, Tone orPulse, change S
DIAL_23.ZIP 106,367 08-26-93 THE DIALER v2.30; Feature packed telephoneautodialer. Its features include a calltimer, a notepad, a log that saves the name,time, date, and your notes, easy to usemacros, the capacity for an unlimited amountof nam
DL_RS_20.ZIP 22,940 07-05-93 DataLink! v2.0; RoboComm scripts Use forTBBS/QSO boards. Fully supports mail, uploadand download files, free files list, searchfor files, download weather maps, etc. ThisZIP file includes DIR4ROB2.ZIP which isrequir
DSZ1129.ZIP 86,874 11-29-93 Forsberg's X/Y/Zmodem - .COM Version
DSZ1129X.ZIP 39,052 11-29-93 Forsberg's X/Y/Zmodem - .EXE Version
ED45.ZIP 67,807 06-22-93 EasyDial v4.5; Dials your phone with a modemquickly and easily. Quick to master! Logtime calls, make credit card calls, ingonrearea codes. Great for call-forwarding.
EZPV11.ZIP 49,434 08-02-93 EZ protocol engine, X, X1k, YB, YG, S, Z subfor DSZ.COM
FAXER11.ZIP 33,249 06-10-93 Faxer 1.1; Sends a fax to a fax machine/boarwithout CAS or any other interface. It shoulwork on Class 1 boards using Rockwell chips.
ZHINT49.ZIP 99,431 03-20-94 150+ text (& a few TIF) files to help withmodems & faxmodems - General & Zoom & MTEZ.
FINDIRQ.ZIP 47,968 08-25-93 Utility For Finding Active IRQs
FTERM250.ZIP 121,319 06-14-93 FracTerm; The Fractal Terminal ProgramFracTerm is a communcations program, with atwist. FracTerm uses ANSI terminal emulatiobut also has the ability to view fractallycompessed images! Includes Zmodem protocol,diali
FTPMAIL.ZIP 15,020 12-07-93 A list of many good places to visit on theinternet. Includes FTP/Telnet/irc/gopher andmany other sites.
FXT100.ZIP 269,044 09-27-93 FXTerm v1.0; Designed to take full advantageof the new Tel-FX Graphics Standard byHamilton TeleGraphics Inc. Experience thepower of a high resolution, mouse drivenGraphical User Interface complete withdragging windo
FXT_004B.ZIP 269,852 09-06-93 FXTERM v0.04ß; Designed to take fulladvantage of the new Tel-FX graphics standar
FYI_QA.ZIP 28,640 10-12-93 Answers to commonly asked "New Internet Userquestions. Introductory material to theInternet.
GDSTERM.ZIP 154,163 10-06-93 From GDSOFT. GUI Terminal program allowsexternal protocols/HOST mode.
GLBSEC.ZIP 163,028 02-01-94 GLOBAL SECURITY v1.1; Transmission SecurityProgram- Encipher, transmit, then decipheryour data at the other end. Safe from thesuper computers of the National SecurityAgency (NSA). 16 and 32 bit versions. Nowincludes
GSZ1129.ZIP 107,348 11-29-93 Forsberg's X/Y/Zmodem - Graphical Version
HACKCRAK.ZIP 370,523 02-17-94 Book in exe form which describes the historyof phone/computer hacking. Not a 'How to'book, but rather a historical perspective.
HACKDIC1.ZIP 157,986 06-24-93 1993 Version Of The Hacker's Dictionary 1/3
HACKDIC2.ZIP 161,161 06-24-93 1993 Version Of The Hacker's Dictionary 2/3
HACKDIC3.ZIP 154,551 06-24-93 1993 Version Of The Hacker's Dictionary 3/3
HARVEY_5.ZIP 33,615 08-02-93 Harvey's Robot allows you to produce incominor outgoing 4d PACKETS. Any format messagesystems can use this system, since it writesto in/outbound packets directly. The systemmessage database format do not matter.
HAYSCOPE.ZIP 1,209 07-14-93 Info text re: SCOPE scripts Hayes modems.07/14/93.
HSLMAIL4.ZIP 7,175 09-07-93 QmodemPro script for unattended HSLINKQWK/REP mail transfer.
HS_QMP15.ZIP 2,012 08-25-93 Install HS/Link in QMODEM PRO 1.x
HS_TLX32.ZIP 1,924 08-25-93 Install HS/Link in TELIX 3.21
INFOTERM.ZIP 351,072 07-12-93 INFOTERM PLUS is possibly the world's bestterminal program. Mouse support, colorscrollback, 300 entry dialing directory, QWKmail, menubar, extensive help screens, fastconfiguration, simple scripts, and manyspecial f
INITS.ZIP 16,929 08-03-93 All types of modems listed with the properinit string to make them run. Very detailed.
INT_SERV.ZIP 18,012 08-03-93 InterNet Services Frequently Asked Questionsand Answers v1.1
IN_9310.ZIP 51,762 10-06-93 The Intelec Network Information File Oct 93Friendly, Professional, Top-Quality Network!Covering a Wide Range of Topics From Issuesto Tech Support, Special Interests and more!184 conferences ■ 307 members ■ 10 Count
IRDC10.ZIP 182,800 10-18-93 IRDC v1.0; INFRA-RED Direct Control. Controlyour One-For-All (6 or 12) remote from yourPC. Full Screen Point & Click DOS interface.Your PC screen becomes a large remote keypadSpecial serial cable can be orderedw/sof
LCCDP3.ZIP 759,968 09-28-93 User Front End For Logikal Career ConnectionOn-Line Job Placement Service For TechnicalPeople. Free.
LL210EXE.ZIP 340,050 05-13-93 LAN-LINK v2.10; Personal Packet TerminalProgram for the TNC1, TNC2, KPC-2, and, mostof all, a smart multi-mode digitalcommunications controller for the KAM,MFJ1278, and the PK-232.
MAX_SCPT.ZIP 2,668 09-25-93 Telix script file for Maximus boards. It willogon and then take you into the off- linereader section, Upload your .REP reply fileand then delete it, Download your new .QWKpacket file and then return Telix to manualo
MDMINIT.ZIP 3,693 07-26-93 Modem commands and responses for use intuning up your modem initialization string.
MINU10B6.ZIP 247,710 10-01-93 MINUET, v1.0beta 6; Program combineseverything you need to interact with theINTERNET in one program! Imagine, EMail, FTPTelnet, Gopher, and News all wrapped up inone program. That is Minuet. Public Domainsoftware fr
MKDIALER.ZIP 6,408 09-25-93 Dialer.BSC v1.7; Script for pre-programmingthe dialing of Bbs's at specific times, withBoyan Communications It is easy to set up anruns fast with all kinds of modems. Workswell with Mark & Cindi Sherman's QWK.BSC and
MLOL.ZIP 11,337 10-06-93 The Musical Lists of Lists - Internet andBitnet mailing lists specific to bands andother music-related topics.
MODDIZ.ZIP 54,166 07-23-93 The Modem Dictionary In HyperText Format.Answers your questions about communications
MODER30A.ZIP 12,535 09-12-93 A list of MsDos FTP sites, their moderatorsand other useful information for downloading
MOD_1_17.ZIP 266,487 07-07-93 MODEM6, modem program, 100% HAYES Compatiblesupport ANSI, and protocols like ZMODEM,YMODEM, XMODEM, Super-Kermit, KERMIT, andmany others. FREE!
MYCMM211.ZIP 138,926 11-21-93 MyComm v2.11 is a powerful, yet small (166K)telecommunications program. Supports Zmodem,Ymodem, Ymodem-G, Xmodem, Xmodem-1K, and ofcourse ASCII file transfers. There are slotsfor up to 6 external protocols. Supports
MYQ200.ZIP 199,021 07-04-93 MYMIQ v2.00 <ASP> - Managing Your MoneyImport stock Quotes from Prodigy Services.MYMIQ is designed to be used by MYM andMYMIC users who want to update theprices in their investment accounts(stock, bond, and mutual f
NAVPAGE.ZIP 38,037 07-30-93 NAVPAGE v1.0; Will dial and send a maximummessage of 80 characters to an alpha numericpager. In order to use this program you musknow the dial-up number of your alpha numeripager service. This program was designed
NUGU93.ZIP 377,392 05-11-93 New User Guide to UseNet
ODYS200A.ZIP 280,485 02-14-94 ODYSSEY v2.00 general purpose, full featuredcommunications from TRIUS. [1/2]
ODYS200B.ZIP 96,538 02-14-94 ODYSSEY v2.00 general purpose communicationsfrom TRIUS. [2/2]
OZCONV13.ZIP 11,458 08-08-93 OzConv v1.3: converter for your old OzCis 1.Forums.db file to the new 2.0 Forums.db filealso copies several files (eg: .mes, .sec,.cat).
PAGEIT17.ZIP 14,267 07-30-93 PageIt v1.7; Reader/Beeper/Modem/MessageTransmitter. With your PC and Modem, you maysend script messages directly to alphanumeric beepers without paying the fee of alocal dispatcher. PAGEIT is designed tooperate sim
PANTHER2.ZIP 346,415 07-01-93 Panther Communications v2.0; Full featuredcommunications software - internal protocolsscript language, macros, auto dialler, logs,captures, ANSI, Avatar, VT52, IEMSI,scrollback. You Name It. Freeware
PCBBVGA3.ZIP 98,997 02-02-94 PC Blackboard VGA v3.0; Simple point-to-poininteractive comm pgm that allows two PCs tointeract over a phone line providing the samflexibility a teacher would have in aclassroom, & more. allows users to free handdra
PCPEXEC5.ZIP 5,849 10-09-93 The Exec-PC "log-on" menu; This set of fileswill log you on to Exec-Pc from your PCs DOSprompt using Procomm Plus v2.1 Communication
PCP_DIAL.ZIP 3,395 10-09-93 This set of files will load your Procommdialing directory from your PC's DOS prompt.
PDIAL013.ZIP 15,517 09-09-93 The Public Dial-up Internet Access List textfile, version 13.
PDL400.ZIP 344,417 06-20-93 Pro Download 4.0; Allows Prodigy users todownload after-market stock and index quotesinto a format that can be used to updateMetastock and other technical analysissoftware. This program is a companion toPersonal Tic
PHONEWIZ.ZIP 51,027 07-20-93 PhoneWiz is a DOS based application and willconvert your phone number to feasibleword-number combination. It has a dictionaryof about 10,000 words. It also lets you addmore words to the dictionary.
PICKUP14.ZIP 26,795 12-10-93 PICK-UP is a utility program, writtencompletely in SALT, designed to enhanceyour time spent using Telix. PICK-UPaccomplishes this task with a fullfeatured menu which anticipates yourneeds. The options offered allow
PICTERM.ZIP 30,863 07-14-93 PicTerm - Successor to GifTerm, a multiformat online picture viewer. User section,BBS section in picview.zip.
PRM307.ZIP 281,765 07-04-93 PROMASTER v3.07 <ASP> - What PRODIGY shouldPRODIGY Enhancer with POP-UP Menus(using easy-to-read 80 col. text format) aswell as user definable hotkeys. KeyboardMacros. Editor with Spell-checker. ColorChanger. PCX sa
PROT100.ZIP 44,263 08-16-93 Protocol Enhancer v1.0; Don't put up with thhassle of installing external protocolsanymore, just follow the simple instructionsand let this program do it all for you!
PRS202.ZIP 169,741 07-04-93 PROSTOCK v2.02 <ASP> - Stock Quotes andCompany News from Prodigy Services.The easiest way to download Stockquotes and company news from ProdigyServices. Offline stock symbols listeditor. Offline quotes and news view
PS110.ZIP 291,962 09-14-93 PHONE SECRETARY v1.01; fax/modem ans 1 line,call fwd, call screen, and more! With dist.ring from Bell auto answers for fax voice ormodem. Auto control of call frwding. Autoweed out unwanted calls. Log date, time,d
QKCON100.ZIP 118,022 08-16-93 This program converts successive .qwkdownload packets into individual singleconference .qwk packets, each spanning many.qwk downloads.
QM-HST-C.ZIP 9,369 10-20-93 Complete collection of COLOR Qmodem/QmodemPro *.HST display files for QM's HOST mode.These files were done in THEDRAW, and savedwith "Clear Screen". PKZIP 2.04g.
QMODEM.ZIP 8,297 03-05-94 Modem definition file for Qmodem 4.x/5.x
QMP_PDF.ZIP 9,688 11-27-93 QMPRO.PDF, the November 1993 version withinit string added for US Robotics CourierV.32 Bis Fax modem with Terbo. Seems to worfine. String listed as USR 21600 HST/DS FAXAddition by Al Szoldatits. Seems to work
QMU320.ZIP 111,816 07-04-93 QMU v3.2; the PRODIGY-QUICKEN Link. If youare a PRODIGY member, and a QUICKEN 5 or 6user (DOS only), and have setup an investmenaccount for your stocks, bonds and funds: yoneed to get this program!
QMWSOFTI.ZIP 4,169 12-27-93 BBSSOFT.DLL v1.0, a set of BBS softwareicons in a dynamic link library. Containsicons for various BBS software programs, foruse in Qmodem Pro for Windows. Author:Matthew Ota (ainoko@qedbbs.com)
QM_EXEC.ZIP 0,412 10-12-93 Exec-Pc Key Definitions for Qmodem v5.0
RECORD20.ZIP 10,072 07-25-93 TELIX - auto salt script writer, vers 2.0.
RIPTM154.ZIP 586,913 07-15-93 Ripterm v1.54.00: graphics, mouse and more
ROBOM11A.ZIP 229,592 08-26-93 ROBOMAIL QWK Reader v1.1 [1/3]; New databaseoriented offline mail reader from the authorof Robocomm. Breaks new ground withsophisticated database access to yourmessages, internal editor, spell checker &modern inter
ROBOM11B.ZIP 266,004 08-26-93 ROBOMAIL QWK Reader v1.1 [2/3]; Adds supportfor PCBoard 15 attachments and receipts, mannew features and fixes all known bugs.Download RoboMail today and experience thenext generation offline mail reader!
ROBOM11U.ZIP 256,670 08-26-93 ROBOMAIL 1.1 Upgrade Kit [1/1]; Use this filto upgrade your current 1.0 installation tothe 1.1 version. See the enclosed READ.MEfile for instructions.
RSTQS101.ZIP 37,689 06-04-93 ReseTQS v1.01; Utility designed to lessen thfrustration of OzCis users who make use ofexternal programs for viewing and taggingOzCis' QuickScan files.
SKILL31.ZIP 41,511 09-18-93 SPOTKILL v3.1; Utility to browse a messagearea and automatically delete or mark baggedmessages by Sender Name, Reciever Name, orSubject. SPOTKILL can delete messages thathave been Recieved, Bagged, Either, Incoming
SLICK116.ZIP 59,956 06-26-93 Slicks'n Slide v1.16; Pelin ideana onohjailla autoa mahdollisimman nopeasti rataaympäri. Peli toimii kaikenlaisissa koneissa,mutta mitä nopeampi se on, sitä sulavamminauto liikkuu.
SLICK63F.ZIP 200,710 08-07-93 Slick super modem terminal, does it all.
SMTV11A.ZIP 111,278 10-10-93 Script Modem Terminal STM 1.1 full scripting
SP120B.ZIP 220,218 04-19-93 SmartPhone v1.20 is a database that can savyou time & money if you make or receive londistance phone calls, by helping you playour calls to use lower phone rates. Includedatabase of area codes, zip codes, ci
SPCX100.ZIP 82,807 07-13-93 An external protocol for viewing images viathe On-Line Sales Door. It was developed toallow users who are not using clickcomm, tobe able to view inages while online.
SSFAXR11.ZIP 68,108 07-17-93 SsFaxer v1.1: program to do one thing -send/receive fax to/from a fax machine/boardwithout CAS or any other interface
SVCS_FAQ.ZIP 16,659 06-19-93 InterNet Services frequently asked questionsand answers v0.7
SZMODEM2.ZIP 162,288 03-08-93 SZMODEM v2.00; zmodem-compatible protocolwith a few added features. It is fullycompatible with normal zmodem, but addsspecial capabilities both when talking tonormal zmodems and while talking to othercopies of SZMod
TAGLX300.ZIP 215,292 07-02-93 TAG LINE XPRESS v3.00 <ASP> Tagline Managefor offline mail readers. Offers UNLIMITEtaglines; installs automatically into mosmail readers; has a built in quote enhancerand even suggests taglines based on
TER110.ZIP 793,902 10-06-93 TERMINATE v1.10; The final terminal! On-linehelp for novices & the advanced features anflexibility that experts require! Fido-netpoint system, fax support, cost manager,hostmode, IEMSI logins, CD-Audio Player,
THP111.ZIP 104,665 08-16-93 TinyHost Plus V1.11 - Based on TinyHost, thesmall, simple host program. All the featuresof TinyHost V3.31 (external protocols, shellto DOS, operator chat, etc.) plus the addedcapability of dialing another TinyHost/Pl
TIMO_FTP.ZIP 7,614 09-10-93 List of Moderators at Anonymous FTP Siteswith MsDos or Windows material
TLXBIN.ZIP 8,639 05-16-93 TLX-BIN v1.00; Screen Capture Program WritteFor Use With TELIX v3.21. Non TSR.Automatically Names Files. Writes Files In(4000 Byte) BINARY Format.
TM3DHOST.ZIP 20,522 09-28-93 TM3DHOST; Telemate Host Script being sent asFreeware. It has Multi-Level Security Levelsand Each has it's own Main Menu. This is aVery Powerful Script File. It is very QuickRunning and can be configured for PrivateL
TM412_1.ZIP 189,569 07-20-93 TELEMATE 4.12, Powerful comm program, [1/4]TELEMATE is a multi-threading communicationprogram. Featuring ANSI/Avatar/VT52/VT102terminal, editor, viewer, huge backscroll,clipboard and many unique functions. Built-imo
TM412_2.ZIP 198,268 07-20-93 TELEMATE 4.12, Powerful comm program, [2/4]Version 4.12 has many new features: Multipleupload and download directories, batch filetransfer status, video cache, high IRQ,giving up control to DesqView and OS/2, andmuc
TM412_3.ZIP 197,588 07-20-93 TELEMATE 4.12, Powerful comm program, [3/4]TELEMATE is a multi-threading communicationprogram. Featuring ANSI/Avatar/VT52/VT102terminal, editor, viewer, huge backscroll,clipboard and many unique functions. Built-imo
TM412_4.ZIP 250,730 06-23-93 TELEMATE 4.12, Powerful comm program, [4/4]Part 4 is the bundled GIFLink protocol drivewhich allows you to view transmitting GIFimages in stunning SuperVGA graphics! SupporX/Y/Zmodem/CIS QuickB. Can skip receivingim
TPC12.ZIP 114,246 10-31-93 ╔═══════════════════════════════╗╔═══════╗╔╗║ The Phone Center Version 1.2! ║║ ╔═══╗ ║║║╠═══════════════════════════════╣╚═╣■■■╠═╝║║║ The first dialer program that ║ ║■■■║ ║║║ is also fun to use. Includes ║ ║■■■║
TRANSRC3.ZIP 6,946 10-01-93 Transfer Record Sheet v3.0; Print usefulforms on your own printer to document yourfile transfers, uploads, downloads, BBSlists, online time, PC equipment informationand a complete and up to date listing anddescri
TWPLAY13.ZIP 16,777 06-29-93 TW AUTOPLAY is a collection of menu drivenscript files written in PcPlus aspectlanguage for use with TW2002. Included arePaired Port Trader, Steal Sell Cycle, MineDisruptor, CIM report, Bust Record and more.Handles
TWW10.ZIP 114,534 08-20-93 Trade Wars Weapons v1.0 for Telemate; Greatcollection of scripts designed to helpserious Trade Warriors get the winning edgeover their competetion. TWW also has someunique scripts never released or seen before
UUTERM12.ZIP 93,057 09-09-93 UUTERM beta; EGA term program for playingUltimate Universe. Get more done faster andwiser while on-line. 3D graphics along withmany important features that help you playbetter; Planet Alert, Procurator alert,Explore
U_STYLE.ZIP 2,815 10-13-93 Hints on Writing Style for Usenet. Useful foother Conferences, too.
V32TERBO.ZIP 3,239 08-26-93 USRobotics announces V.32terbo product line
WHATIS_I.ZIP 10,741 10-12-93 What Is the Internet? Explains InterNet andwhat you can expect.
WHATIS_U.ZIP 7,506 10-13-93 What is Usenet? Explains UseNet and what yocan expect.
WXVIE25B.ZIP 247,748 10-21-93 WeatherView v2.5b; Provides anyone with aMS-DOS computer and a modem the ability toview and analyze real-time National WeatherService (NWS) hourly data.
X10XA200.ZIP 132,285 10-16-93 XA-X10 Command Interpreter v2.0; Send X10commands/events to CP-290 directly from DOS,batch file, or script. Features: POWERFAILRECOVERY (restores modules to last programmestate), Improved Date handling, AutomaticDay
ZIPPGP.ZIP 20,199 10-13-93 Zimmermann's PGP: "A Cure for the CommonCode". The Government wants to break him, buBoulder's prince of privacy remains cryptic.Worried about your privacy? Your secret issafe with this guy.